Monday, 21 November 2011

Arkwright Scholarship Award 2011: Lewis Margetts - Mr. Price

On the Friday 28th October, I was lucky enough to be invited to attend an award ceremony at the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London, for Lewis Margetts 12PAB, along with another 298 other students, who were given a scholarship by the prestigious Arkwright Foundation. 

The Arkwright Scholarship is highly valued by schools, universities and companies, and is awarded to students who achieve very highly in Electronics, Resistant Materials or Graphics at GCSE.  The scholarship is intellectually and financially rewarding and targets students who are interested in reading Engineering at University.  The lucky students are awarded £1000 over their two year A-Level course to put towards trips, University run courses, software or materials and components for their projects.  Students should take Product Design or Electronics, alongside Physics and/or Maths.  Engineering is a highly sought after career which is now being pushed as THE career to be in as we move into this next exciting time with the chancellor wanting to realise his ambition of made in Britain, created in Britain, designed in Britain and invented in Britain. 

The candidates sit an examination, and if they are successful, are asked to attend an interview at a local university.  If they pass the interview, they are awarded the scholarship by a charity, company or individual.  Lewis was successful and will use the money to buy a laptop so he can work on his A-Level Electronics coursework and run software like Circuit Wizard.  After his A-Levels, Lewis would like to read Electronic Engineering.  This was an exciting experience for Lewis, his parents and I, as we were able to celebrate all the hard work that Lewis had put in over the last two years with this prestigious award.  Well done Lewis, congratulations!